![Les CIVE - Methappro](
When we talk about crops intended for methanization, we generally talk about CIVE: Intermediate Crop for Energy Purposes.
As its acronym indicates, it consists of cultivating land to produce energy. This practice is governed by strict regulations that can vary depending on the country and region.
We speak of 'intermediate' because it is placed between two main (food) crops that it must not compete with. There are summer CIVEs and winter CIVEs depending on the chosen agricultural rotations and the geographical areas.
The choice of crop can be varied: barley, sunflower, sorghum, corn, etc. The selection criterion is above all to cultivate a plant which has an interesting methanogenic power and which can be integrated into the rotation of the farm (harvest date, type of soil, etc.).
The CIVE allows, in particular for agricultural methanization sites, to guarantee a volume of supply while guaranteeing their origin. A farmer-methanizer therefore controls a significant part of his stocks, thus securing his project.
CIVE also helps to preserve the quality of soils which no longer remain bare between two main crops: better carbon storage, less erosion and even preservation of bee populations.
Methappro offers custom-made tarpaulins to ensile your CIVE and preserve their qualities before methanization. To find out more, contact us: