State of play: methanization in the world

Methanization exists all over the world, but its popularity and level of development vary considerably from one country to another.
Europe is one of the leading regions in terms of methanization. Germany is one of the great pioneers with a large number of installations on farms that developed rapidly in the 2000s. Although we now denounce the excesses of the system put in place, German farmers have moved the energy mix in the right direction by becoming biogas producers. Today, the total energy production of the 11,000 installations corresponds to approximately 7% of the mix, which allows them to reduce the share of fossil fuels and develop their autonomy.
Other European countries have followed Germany's example, such as France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain and Italy. Many policies to support renewable energy have been put in place to accompany these developments.
France has experienced significant development in recent years with an increase in the number of facilities set up and an economic model adapted to this waste management. It has been ranked as the country with the greatest potential in this area by 2025.
Source: SiaPartners
In America, Canada and the United States are interested in methanization as a way to convert agricultural, agri-food waste or wastewater. A few of the most agricultural states have gotten involved in recent years, but financial and political incentives can vary considerably from one province to another and hinder certain projects.
Most Latin American countries are also beginning to study the interest of investing in methanization projects, even if development is less advanced in some regions. Brazil is certainly the country where the methanization sector has intensified the most in recent years.
Africa is also experiencing more or less significant development depending on the country. The interest in methanization is certain with the need for waste management as well as that of meeting the growing needs for electricity and fuel and therefore the search for renewable energy sources. These interests are nevertheless often hampered by the lack of financing and suitable infrastructure. South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria are considered the most advanced in the sector.
In Asia, faced with the need to find solutions to eliminate organic waste and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, methanization offers a very interesting opportunity. China is becoming a major player in large-scale methanization with supportive policies put in place by the government, and thousands of sites in operation and under development. India is also experiencing significant growth, particularly in rural areas where agricultural waste is abundant. Japan has been particularly developing in terms of methanization since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 to develop other sources of electricity and heat.
Other Asian countries are gradually setting up projects, although they are not yet major regions for methanization: Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. Asia is a region that represents enormous potential in terms of the volume of organic matter to be revalued (see graph below).
Australia is beginning to develop biogas and has significant growth potential due to its vast agricultural resources and commitment to renewable energy. It is gaining popularity and significant growth can be expected in the coming years.
Source: Statista 2023
All these countries have their own reasons for adopting methanization: energy independence, organic waste management, greenhouse gas reduction, development of renewable energies, etc. State support and financial policies are gradually strengthening the growth of methanization around the world. Awareness of the need to create a more eco-responsible global model also plays a key role in methanization by pushing solutions such as renewable energies.
Methappro participates in the development of the sector by creating links between biowaste producers and methanizers. Do not hesitate to contact us for any request at the address .
Source: Statista 2023